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Data collection in GetTheBalls!

This page contains important answers to the questions of what user data is in GetTheBalls! how and why are collected. If you have any further questions, I am very happy to help. Corresponding contact options are in imprint deposited.



How is information collected?

Google Forms has polls set up that the app can respond to. All user data will be sent in response to this survey but will not be shared.


Is the information user specific?

No! Whatever the information, it cannot be traced back. It cannot be determined which device sent the corresponding information. It also cannot be said what information was sent by the same devices. In addition, no user profiles are created. No player gets a unique ID, so it can be said which player is behind which number.


Why is this information collected?

Any information will be used to improve the app. For example, game behavior can be used to determine whether a level is too difficult or too easy and which areas of the app are used most frequently, so that the app can be continuously improved in the right direction.


What information is collected?

Below is a list of information that is collected. Older versions may not collect all of the information listed.

  • Start of the app - When the app is started, a corresponding information is sent. A distinction is made between whether the app is being started for the very first time or not (by deleting the cache, the app assumes that it is being started for the first time the next time it is started). The information I get is as follows: "App started for the first time"; "App has started". Both pieces of information contain the approximated location (city, country, region).

  • Location - In some places the location is determined. This is the Internet location, i.e. the place where the router is located. Only city, country and region are determined here. The following page is used to collect the location: ipapi - API Reference | IP Location Examples.

  • Scene change - If you switch to another area in the app (a distinction is made between the start screen, game, shop and level menu), information is sent as to which scene you have switched to and which scene you were in before. The corresponding information looks like this: 'a->b', where 'a' is the previous scene and 'b' is the new scene.

  • Playing time - When there is a change of scene or when a level has been completed, the app notes the playing time of the current session and sends this as an answer to the survey when the app is restarted.

  • Game progress - When a level is completed, the percentage with which the respective level was completed is transmitted. The information I get then looks like this: 'Mode: .../ Level: .../ ...%'.

More information will follow, but is not implemented in the current public version of the app.


Can I do something against the data collection?

Yes! There are the following options for this:​

  1. At the beginning (after completing the first level) you will be asked to accept the data protection regulations, among other things. Data collection can also be deactivated here.

  2. In the settings under 'Other-> Data collection' simply tap on the text.

Deactivation of data collection prevents, for example, information about gaming behavior and location from being transmitted. However, this does not apply to error messages. If an error message occurs in the app, the app sends the corresponding information in the same way, without containing any user data.​


When will information be sent?

All information will not be sent until the Privacy Policy have been accepted. Only error messages can be sent earlier.


Where else does the app need internet?

Basically, the app can be played without internet. However, if an internet connection is available, it will be used for the following purposes:

  • Analysis and error messages: As already described, the app sends information about gaming behavior and error messages to a Google Forms survey.

  • Advertising: In order for the app to continue to be available free of charge, advertising must be displayed in between. However, an attempt is made not to display too many ads and to present it as pleasantly as possible (it always comes across better when the user has decided to watch ads).

  • Current information about the app: In order to always be up to date (e.g. to find out whether there is an update or to update certain texts), the app accesses documents that are stored on a cloud. This guarantees that the most important things are always up to date (if the Internet is activated).


Further questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at in imprint specified contact options are available.

© 2023 Space Major Studios

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